by Kelsey Zalimeni
'Monumental Shower with Video' combines Carole Feuerman's hyperreal sculpting prowess with cutting edge digital art. The piece plays with perspective and spatial reasoning, using a looped video to bring the painted resin to life. The two parts of the piece rely upon one another for activation; the trunk aligns perfectly with the digital lower half, creating the wondrous illusion of movement. From the viewer's vantage point, the showering woman comes to life instantly.
'Monumental Shower with Video', 2010
Oil on Resin, TV, Video 51 x 48 x 29 inches, Private Collection
This hybrid installation features Carole's paramount themes- water, the human form, balance, and serenity. The bather relishes in the splendor of her shower, inviting viewers to do the same. Included below is a short video of the piece:
This piece was shown in Feuerman's exhibition titled Earth Water Air Fire at the El Paso Museum of Art.
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